Wednesday, October 05, 2011


Moove over Carrie, your parents are pictured on a billboard on the Rothesay Ave. exit  into Saint John. Just us and all the other NB egg producers. Excluding Tanya, TJ, and Stacy. Gilbert is there, but it was a timing issue last March. These pics were taken just 2 days before Sarah and I drove across Canada last year.

Here is a close up of the picture they used on the billboard. Gilbert is on far right.

And for those interested, a closer up of Sarah and I. Can you tell I'm excited to be pictured on a billboard?

Hands up to anyone else that has had their pic on a billboard...


Chris said...

This a little scary!

Farmgirl said...

There are 10 of them up for a month around NB... To advertise buying NB eggs... only thing is unless you see it up close you really have no clue what is is for! lol

Peter said...

The way you're holding that framed photo, Bruce, makes me think: "El productor con huevos!" Very strategic positioning!

Tanya said...

In the words of many teenagers (as see on recent facebook status's in my area... "lolololololololololololol"