Monday, February 28, 2011

And more snow again

More snow again today, and to be followed by rain maybe, so let's get some off the roof.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

More Snow

So, it's good to see a little more snow...but, yeesh, this one was took us all day to clean up after this, and we are running out of places to push it to.

And think about Billy and Bobby... We were late feeding them yesterday, but no matter, they couldn't find their way down anyways.

 So we enlisted Grandma, and she came over with her snowshoes and made a trail for them. I wasn't too hopeful, as she was only packing down the snow by an inch, and the Highlanders didn't have snowshoes, but it worked, and Bobby ran right down the trail.

It took quite a bit of coaxing, and I beat down the trail a bit more, and then Billy decided it was OK for him to come.

I guess the fence isn't an issue right now, the deep snow will keep them from getting out. In some places it is just 2 inches above the snow.

And in some places, all you see is the top of the fence posts.

But at the end of the day, both Highlanders and I were happy...

Saturday, February 19, 2011


We've had quite a winter so far this year, and who knows, there might still be a whole lot more to come. It is still February. Here are pictures from outside.

And from inside.

The fence keeping the Highlanders in is only a few inches above the snow, but so far they have been good.

Carrie and Jessica made a snowman.

And Jesse and I spent a lot of the last few days clearing it off the roof of the barn.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Bradford

The one and only (so far...) grandson turns 3 today! Yeah! We were over and had cake with him on Sunday. Happy Birthday Bradford! It took me awhile to get the picture up. I thought I had 30 days from the end of the week that his birthday was in, but I was confused. That is something else...