Wednesday, December 01, 2010

CCSVI Angioplasty... In Bulgaria...

Wednesday, Nov. 24th. After morning chores we packed and headed out.

And headed to the smallest airport we've ever seen.

We met Tanya in Florenceville, and she took us over. Seeing as we were the only people in the airport for at least an hour, we had plenty of time for pictures.

And took this plane to Boston. Us and 10 others.

After Boston, we had a 7.5 hour overnight flight to Munich and a 4 hour wait, then a short flight to Sofia. Here is Sarah, a little wearier, but she still has her  hat, and her cane.

Here is our hotel, and the hospital right next door.

The very next morning, Friday the 26th, we were at the hospital for the tests, and directly after that Sarah was admitted. Here she is waiting patiently to be taken away.

Whether it was a slow day in the cardiac ward, or the hat was bothering them, they took her at 3:00 that afternoon. And by 4:00, she was fixed and back. After an overnight stay in the hospital, she was tested to make sure she hadn't "restenosed" and was released. And then back to the hotel.

The hotel lobby became a great place to relax and meet other MS'rs here for the treatment. And there were many, from many countries.

Randoms...Shopping, sightseeing, McDonalds, and look how they park everywhere.

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