Thursday, April 08, 2010

Loisianna, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida

Yes, that was a long day. And our first day of really HOT weather. And you just don't understand how much more fuel the air conditioning uses. I thought I had a leak in my gas tank, as my "kilometers to empty" was dropping twice as fast as my "kilometers to destination". We were pretty impressed with the raised interstates over the bayous and ocean. Never saw any alligators though.

This is the Gulf of Mexico.

We stayed Monday night in Crestview, Florida. Tuesday morning we tried driving without the air conditioning for a bit, but that wasn't the plan either. A nice drive down route 19, stopped at a Kmart for shorts, and then found Donnie and Elsie in Tarpon Springs and had supper. We went into Clearwater for the night. The first room they gave us had faulty air conditioning, so he gave me keys to a suite. Upon entering that room, I noticed some luggage, and then looked over to the open bathroom door and realized someone was in the shower! I quickly backed out of there, and got keys to an even nicer suite. No, it wasn't a girl in the shower. Our next room had a "Sleep Number" bed, so I had fun inflating and deflating it for awhile.

Then back to spend the day with Donnie and Elsie. We had a great tour of Tarpon Springs, an enjoyable afternoon on the beach, and a great chance to catch up with our neighbours, which never seems to happen when you are at home.

Wednesday night found us just outside of Orlando. This place is a zoo! People, people and more people...

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