Tuesday, April 06, 2010

The Grand Canyon

Pictures just can't do justice to how impressive the Grand Canyon is. We visited Grand Canyon West, on the South Rim.

I think seeing how small the helicopters looked below us, put perspective into how deep and large the canyon was.

I climbed up on some rocks and a fellow from Brazil took my picture. Sarah and I posed here with the Colorado River behind us. Directly behind the rock we are sitting on is a sheer 4000 ft. drop. It was amazing and frightening to walk on the rim and look straight down. Sarah wouldn't get too close.

We walked out on the skywalk and looked through the glass floor.

Even the drive out to the canyon was interesting, as we meandered through the desert and cactus. There were even cattle roaming on the roads.

Sarah was worried a rattlesnake would get her, so we had to rush this picture.

This was one of the Texas gates that kept the cattle in their proper places. It took quite a bit to convince Jesse that they were allowed to use a Texas gate in Arizona.

We thought of the boys when we saw this sign.

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