Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kenny and Kimberly

It was good to have Kenny and his wife Kimberly to come and visit with us last night and today. We had a great visit, and went for a nice walk in the fields. Big bullfrogs, cats that followed, and thundering hooves will give them good memories. Kenny was ring bearer at our wedding! So help me here, our ring bearer has grey hair. What is this telling me? Stacy and Gilbert and family came for supper too. that was great.. Burgers and corn on the cob!

1 comment:

Ken and Kimberley Martell said...

Cool... we made the blog! It was a great visit... the first time Kimberley has ever spent time on a farm. She absolutely loved feeding the calf and meeting all your new borns (cows and kittens and babies alike)!

I hope it won't be as long for our next visit. Thank you guys so much for your hospitality!