Monday, May 23, 2011

Cold Huh...

Yikes, it has been 3 weeks since I posted. We've had a few things happen, likely the most important was Mother's day. But no pictures. Tanya was down with the girls, and on Saturday night she and Carrie, Stacy and Gilbert, Sarah,Grandma and I went out for supper at Shiretown Publicans in Hampton. It was a good evening, and a great way to celebrate Mother's Day.We seem to be stuck in colder weather, no, not the song, but we haven't got much of our spring work done yet. A little manure out, the pit was full and we got it down 16 inches, and then it was full again, overflowing and we took a load out a day just to stay ahead of it. The last few days have been half good, so the pit is down about 40 inches. Heifers are all outside now, trained to the fence without too much problem. We were kinda hoping to have to chase them a bit, just to warm ourselves up. The cows will go out soon. School tours started Friday, it was warm that day, but not expected to be so warm with the one tomorrow.As for pictures, we had bought some new wagons, so we used some of our rainy days to get them and assemble them.

And we bought a new loader for our older tractor, part of a deal we made on a new tractor, but that is news for a later blog post.

And on a very positive note, Jesse and I were over to visit Scot tonight. He is home for the weekend, and expects to be home for good in 10 days or so. He has surgery scheduled for mid June to replace that part of his skull that has been in the fridge in Saint John since the end of March. I can't express how good it was to see him, he was milking the cows, and I'm sure he wouldn't be able to express how happy he was to be doing that.

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