Tuesday, September 07, 2010

End of Summer Getaway

I know we have done lots of travelling so far this year, but we still felt we needed a road trip to Quebec before school started. Carrie had some winter things to pick up at Melissa's, and I needed some beer from Costco. So last Thursday, after morning chores, we packed up and got as far as Drummondville, where our platinum Best Western card allowed our room to be upgraded to a suite with a balcony. Well, part of a balcony. Carrie almost fit on it.

On Friday morning we headed to Mike's, after a quick stop at the Costco in Sherbrooke. Mike had a new toy for us to try. A jet ski. Carrie loved it, and I must admit I did too. I wonder if I could use one in the pond?

In the afternoon we had a great boat ride, from one end of Lake Magog to the other.

On Saturday we dropped Carrie off with Melissa. We spent a few minutes with her family.

Carrie stayed with Melissa and we headed into Quebec City. There we met up with Jim and Mary Ann. We had booked at the Holiday Inn with them, but when we saw that the Best Western was right next to it, we decided to stay there. We enjoyed a drink in their room, then one in ours, then one in theirs...

And then we went out to eat!

It all worked out as Melissa's mom was coming into Quebec City, and brought Carrie right to our motel. We had a nice drive home on Sunday, with a stop at the Cheese Shop for a large bag of poutine cheese curds.

Jesse happened to break his foot off just after we left, so Stacy and Gilbert covered for him, and we are grateful that they did. Awesome job, and Thank you!
And today Carrie started Grade 11. Wow...

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