Sunday, September 19, 2010

Jesse's Trimalleolar Fracture

Not to be outdone by me breaking my collar bone just in time for haying season, Jesse broke his ankle just in time for corn silage. Not just a simple break, but a trimalleolar fracture. Here is his x-ray.

So on Wednesday, after his first 2 weeks, we went in to Saint John to get his staples out and get a cast.

I think it hurt a bit.

Or maybe more than a bit.

But the pain was soon forgotten when he found out that he could get a cast in John Deere green.

And a cute little slipper to wear with it. Too bad he couldn't find someone cuter than Brian to help him put it on.

And off to work he goes. Hie Ho.

She doesn't help dress him, but Stacy was over to help him out with another issue. Here she is with Cecily. Try as I might, there was no way Cecily was going to smile for me.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Atlantic International Balloon Fiesta

This morning, thanks to Jesse, I had the opportunity to have a ride in a hot air balloon. He had won the ticket in a draw at the John Deere dealer, but seeing as he can't even walk...
This is the closest I've even been to one, so it was all new to me. Here is the basket, propane tanks, and 2 burners.

The envelope was all rolled up in a bag, and it rolled out nicely.

After blowing it up a bit with a big fan, he lit the burners and heated it up.

Then we all hopped aboard. There were 6 of us.

Up, Up, and Away.... sounds like it could be the start of of a song...

I think there were close to 30 balloons up.

We flew right over this one. Except when he was burning, it was very quiet and you could talk with the closer balloonists.

It was also a good way to keep an eye on Jesse. What's that stuff in the back of his truck?

Coming in for the landing. He really had to have quite a knowledge of the wind,to bring us in to where we wanted to land.

Roma was waiting for us.


And putting it away right must make it easier the next time. Quite the little ride. Thanks Jesse.

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

End of Summer Getaway

I know we have done lots of travelling so far this year, but we still felt we needed a road trip to Quebec before school started. Carrie had some winter things to pick up at Melissa's, and I needed some beer from Costco. So last Thursday, after morning chores, we packed up and got as far as Drummondville, where our platinum Best Western card allowed our room to be upgraded to a suite with a balcony. Well, part of a balcony. Carrie almost fit on it.

On Friday morning we headed to Mike's, after a quick stop at the Costco in Sherbrooke. Mike had a new toy for us to try. A jet ski. Carrie loved it, and I must admit I did too. I wonder if I could use one in the pond?

In the afternoon we had a great boat ride, from one end of Lake Magog to the other.

On Saturday we dropped Carrie off with Melissa. We spent a few minutes with her family.

Carrie stayed with Melissa and we headed into Quebec City. There we met up with Jim and Mary Ann. We had booked at the Holiday Inn with them, but when we saw that the Best Western was right next to it, we decided to stay there. We enjoyed a drink in their room, then one in ours, then one in theirs...

And then we went out to eat!

It all worked out as Melissa's mom was coming into Quebec City, and brought Carrie right to our motel. We had a nice drive home on Sunday, with a stop at the Cheese Shop for a large bag of poutine cheese curds.

Jesse happened to break his foot off just after we left, so Stacy and Gilbert covered for him, and we are grateful that they did. Awesome job, and Thank you!
And today Carrie started Grade 11. Wow...

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Corn Boil

Everyone agrees wuth me that the corn this year is the best it has been in awhile. Not that it has been bad other years, but this year it seems just a little sweeter, and a little more tender. The family gathered at the farm this past Sunday for a corn boil. Not our first, but it was special because we were all together. We will always remember how much Grandpa enjoyed his "corn on the cob", so it was a fitting meal as we remembered the 4 year anniversary of his passing, on Monday.

The kids also got a chance to visit with Ginger, as we have decided that for his own sake, we shall have to have him put down. His arthritus in the front legs are making him too uncomfortable. We will miss you buddy.