Monday, August 09, 2010

This Past Weekend

I really have to keep up with this. Now that things  have slowed down a bit, I'll try to get caught up here. We had a really good weekend. Tanya brought her 3 little darlings down for the weekend, and on Saturday, Stacy brought her 3 over. Here is Sarah riding a cow, with Emma.

The first order of business was to finish bottleing wine for Maria's wedding, which is next weekend. Tanya worked away pretty hard washing bottles, and then after all was bottled, she tried her best to get the corks most of the way in.

Here are Madilyn and Kara before we walked over to Everett's for the field day.

Here is Tanya with Cecily.

Emma, Madilyn, and Sarah. Hard to get 3 kids to look at the camera all at the same time. But you get to see the matching pjs.

We had a nice bonfire, even though it was cool.

And here is Jesse, holding a gaggle of kids. This is his idea of training for a marathon.

And speaking of marathons, Marathon by the Sea was held in Saint John on Sunday. Jesse did us proud by completeing the half marathon (21k) in a time of at least 2:13. ( He lost his chip down a man hole) Tanya was only able to run in the 5 miler after carrying so many bottles of wine up the stairs, but she did well too, finishing 3rd in her class. We didn't make it in to see Tanya finish, but we found her on a street corner. Here is a pic of Jesse at the finish, but this picture doesn't quite capture the pain he was in.

And one of them both.

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