Tuesday, December 08, 2009

November 21, 2009

Poor Emma would feel badly if she knew how many people asked me to update my blog, perhaps because they are tired of looking at her. So my apologies, but I'll try to get stuff updated. On November 21st, a former employee, Marty, came out to the farm with 2 big buckets of live lobsters. We were glad he warned us that morning that he was coming, so we got everyone in and had a good feed. Sheila and Art, Grandma, Vicky and Brad, Stacy and Gilbert, Melissa and her friend Carolane, Roma, Jesse, Carrie, and Marty too.

Here is Roma at his first Canadian lobster boil, Melissa with her first lobster, and Art doing what he does best.

And Melissa cooking...

And Melissa giving the lobster the finger....

And, "Hey..it worked!"

After the lobster was cooked and eaten, Brad entertained us with some unique fireworks...Fun

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