Saturday, July 19, 2008

Done Haying

We finished up haying on Thursday, one of our faster years as it was good weather . Still no pictures of anyone mowing, but here is one of Jesse getting ready to ted, and a couple of Sarah raking. It looks like Sarah was trying to run over the photographer!

Here is Jesse building a load. He usually does it with one hand and talks on his cell phone with the other.

Here is David doing what he loves..stacking hay. As long as he has his I-pod and lots of water, he is good to go

Here we are coming down one of our steeper hills. David found it exciting just trying to stand up, yet build a load.
Dan and Brad had fun stacking one day. Brad wore a target for awhile, but he still kept getting hit after he took it off.

What's that old guy doing up there? There must have been a bale crooked or something!

Here is one of Jesse hauling a wagon ahead in the barn so we can unload it. We managed to get all the wagons through this year without tearing anything apart in the barn. Thanks to
Jesse, and Dan too!
Here is one of Dan unloading. We did almost 2000 bales that day. Thanks Dan.

Tanya always enjoyed unloading hay..but she goes too fast for the old guy. But then there are those that thinks she goes too slow. Watch out for the holes in the wagon floor Tanya.

Jesse and David stacked all the wagons in the field, but they still got to help out in the mow too. This is the last load, but we could have fit another few thousand bales in. James and Garrett deserve mention for their hard work unloading and stacking in the barn too. Too bad they missed the photo shoot.

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