Our Vicky did us proud tonight, she performed in the wildcard round of Saint John Idol. She sang a song that wasnt her style but did ok. Our Vicky is more country, wait until next time saint john lol. Next up is the A&E...here are some pictures of vicky singing. Bruce started second cutt today. We had to stop doing hay for a while because we are making a mess of the feilds because they are so wet. The tractor got stuck in a field we just planted so we decided to take a breather from all of that stress..
Hi there mom and dad it is moi carrie i am at school reading this so decided that will leave you a message nice blog mom need more work kk good bye back to school work now seeya
luv: Carrie Yha no your child haha
hey this is lexie i love you vic hahaha carrie is sitting here beshide me well nice page
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