Wednesday, November 22, 2006
It gets so hard to get time to write my blog. Well we had the crew together for the baptismal was a amazimg minor fights but all went well. I also got to visit with my friend Anne fun.Bruce has been busy spreading manure of and on. The weather has been amazing there is days it feels like late summer 19 degrees. The grandkids were all herelast nite Grandma to, I forget how loud it can get with young kids. We now are feeding 13 babies all beef 2 I figure looks alot like a highlander cute woolly
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Time is a flying we have been busy .We had a sad time Bruces father passed away at the end of August very sudden it has been very hard to adjust to. He was a very kind and dear soul a great father also a great grandfather. We have gotten all our corn in Tanya travelled down to help her dad it took them 3 days and the fourth day started feeding out of the silo. In the middle of Sept. we had Bayard Goodday family reunion there was relatives fr Vancouver Halifax Montreal Ontario Kentville Glassville Truro Hampton and Midland We all had a blast we did tours of family histroy and we had good food and we ended the evening with music bonfire and carrie gave gator rides It was a special weekend and I hope we do not leave time go to long before we do it again.Well its that time of year we are moving animals home from pasture and low and behold it is going slick. Sold 27 beefers this week it went good again. Amazing Well so long
Friday, October 13, 2006
It is about time
Hello every one It has been a rough 2 or 3 months My father inlaw god love him passed away the end of august pretty rough we really miss him . It hard to get use to .
Now our victoria has head of to university and she also had a rough patch but she is in the groove and doing ok {right vic] Then we had the Bayard Goodday reunion Bruces relatives fr Halifax Kentville BC Hampton St John and St Stephen were all here oh yes Ontario and Montreal too We visited histroy spots we had great meals and we ended at nite with a terrific bonfire It was a great family get together. well I try and get in the groove and keep in touch. Did I tell you we are done corn and now feeding it. Also sold 27 feedercalves I know carrie halfpint to. se ya
Now our victoria has head of to university and she also had a rough patch but she is in the groove and doing ok {right vic] Then we had the Bayard Goodday reunion Bruces relatives fr Halifax Kentville BC Hampton St John and St Stephen were all here oh yes Ontario and Montreal too We visited histroy spots we had great meals and we ended at nite with a terrific bonfire It was a great family get together. well I try and get in the groove and keep in touch. Did I tell you we are done corn and now feeding it. Also sold 27 feedercalves I know carrie halfpint to. se ya
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Quess We are done haying about time
yesterday we got done haying the last field and it did not get rained on imagine . So normally we would head camping to late to fallish , So we set up camper for carrie behind the hedge so she can think she is campin g I slept out one nite Bruce has slept out a couple . It is not ideal but it works. Now Vicky and Carla has gone to Vancouver to spend aweek sight seeing and visiting Bruces brother Peter and his wife Mai. Now we are pulling for a little freetime here what shall we do. Had a cow calve today in the pen imagine that and she had a heifer All doing well. Our oldest turned 24 yesterday they all are growing up not our little tan Tan any more.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Saint John Idol

Our Vicky did us proud tonight, she performed in the wildcard round of Saint John Idol. She sang a song that wasnt her style but did ok. Our Vicky is more country, wait until next time saint john lol. Next up is the A& are some pictures of vicky singing. Bruce started second cutt today. We had to stop doing hay for a while because we are making a mess of the feilds because they are so wet. The tractor got stuck in a field we just planted so we decided to take a breather from all of that stress..
Friday, July 28, 2006
Another slow day hopefully tomorrow we will hay. Today we had Peter the foottrimmer in and a dozen cows were done and only one real bad one. Bruce went to see his Dad who is back in the hospital maybe they will figure out whats wrong. It has been a rough summer for him getting sick every 30 days or so. Carrie came home from camp today good to have her home there was kids from vancouver and the states and you name it. Also her hamster fot sick today and passed away I wonder who felt the worst Bruce or her . Angel the hamster was to be 2 in august old for a hamster,
Sunday, July 23, 2006
well it has been 10 days since I wrote some text and yes lots has gone on. We had a heifer who calved out in the freestall and yes of course it was a heifer and we do not like them to come in contact with any manure matter, well it's face was covered with manure and the heifer is a b t h and boys she hard to get in the parlour and she won't let you put the milker on her ahh it will we had a good day we got the gravel knoll done up in hay and the little swamp by the lower barn done it was not bad hay also we did the meadow up in silage it was good stuff ran into a problem when the wheel bolts came of and the wheel fell of and wagon is now full sunk into the ground and of course this leaves Bruce with a project for Friday .Well our front end loader cannot lift it so he has to get excavator down, took hub of that wagon got hub of another wagon and we are back in business and can get wagon of the field and the neighbours can relax. Next day is Bruce,Tan Tan ,jesse, and Bruces sister Shelia big ms bike tour 122 kms in 2 days. Can you imagine how soar they will be and it is amazing 134 riders all ages raising money for a cure They were fanastic and I am so proud of them Now all those riders raised 695000 dollars. Wait till next year we will be bigger and better maybe we will practice. You think. Now our grand finale was a bq at Shelias and grandma and grandpa came and so did stacy gilbert and kara . It was great Shelias and Arts boys were there to.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
It is that time of year we work very hard to get haying done. Well it is a fight it is foggy and muggy and we are fighting all sorts of conditions to get any sort of haying done. Today it rained and rained hope that it would relieve the air wrong . Tan Tan and her 2 munchins came down for a visit it has been great Emma has lived in the pool and she even wear a life jacket. Bruce and tan Tan have been practicing fot there ms bike tour i am so impress at there determination I wish I had as much . Well tomorrow is a new day and it is to be 30 degrees its of to the fields and lets hope we get more done.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
What a day we had a terrific herdhealth we got 4 new heifer preg and a whole bunch more, makes up for the lousy weather. It might be xmas before we get to do haying I am not looking forward to go camping in the snow lol (we go camping right after haying) Then off to St John idol Vicky was trying out she made the first cut 133 preormed first off only 80 made that cut tonite first 20 of 80 preformed and only 3 made it and we did not make it but by golly to get up and preform in front of all St john some proud of her takes after her grandma the singer of the family . Did I tell you that Bruce Tan Tan Jesse ans Shelia are doing the MS bike tour 120 kms some proud of them . Oh yes Bruce cut a little hay today maybe a sign of gooddays ahead. You think
Monday, July 03, 2006
Happy July first we arrived back fr Halifax intending for the crew of us to go to hampton to see fireworks and low and behold a truck pulls in the yard its the farmer next to our dry cows they are all out we all headed down and 24areout considering thatsll thereis lol so we work as a team and put them in then we leave late for fireworks and quess what they arelate starting good and they were great Emma loved them. Next day is Sunday and it is raining you know we need Bruce and Tanya go do a 30 kms bike ride I stayed home and planned a meal They came back said there tired but they are fine today. We moved the cow 631 out of pen into the horse pasture and she made it and is walking great and this morning i let her go with the cows real brave of me . Today the fields were wet so we did not mow but we will tomorrow, Bruce is getting ready to hang up two shed doors that he rebuilt him and vicky got one done we will finish it tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
We did a load and a half of hay today I quess that means we started haying it looks like its going to be a hell of a crop it is about time. Weather is still iffy so not much haying mowing etc has been done yet. We have got a lot of bits and bites done. Like we fenced out front of the house so you can seat on the deck and watch your cows neat.Vicky has had a friend down fr Quebec for the last 2 weeks it has been fun for them both. It has been so muggy here it is gross.We are taking the weekend and heading to Halifax hope to see some friends and have some fun plan to head home for Sat. to go to fireworks all our grandkids will be here.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
It has been a h ll of a week.Vicky was in the miss of graduation and we did silage all done over filled the silo had to shove out a half wagon load ( bruce did) and save the unloader and let settle and then reload in to the silo next day . Next Bruce got that silo ready to feed and the we shout down the other 2, sealed and started to raised greased and all ready to go.Now we are going to start to hay we will do a little to make sure all is going to work. Did I tell you that one of reasons we are done silage is that Bruces forage harvestor broke . WE are going to Halifax for the weekend and Tanya is coming to mind the fort cannot wait.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
oh boys it has been a while and man we have been busy. We have had lots of grad stuff going on like grad banquet and grad church service and grad barbeque yes we are all grad out lucky for us it has been raining so this does not cut into our work just kidding it has been a blast and lets us join forces with all the parents. Well its been raining raining and more raining so Bruce went to visit Jesse on his farm and did some farm visits they visited Bruces old boss when he was Jesses age. When he was gone a pipe broke in the lower barn oh there was water every where cleaned it up took us girls awhile then compacitors on the silo conveyor went called Bruce on his cell and asked what do we do well he said take motor in and get them to fix and they did only a hr and I was feeding siage ,so then the foot trimmer arrived we trimmed 15 head then we took a break for supper and Bruce arrived home . Did the evening chores and I go to put a cow (631) in maternity pen due to calve in the next day or two and she is down with milk fever grr Bruce gives her a bottle in the vein (calcium) and the witch still would not move never got up till around 2 today still not terrific but she is up. Bruce fenced all day him and sam they enlarged the dry cows pasture and we got 8 beefers ready and loaded and him and the girls delivered them.Tonite we got the corn planter ready for storage till next year, Now we will have all our equipment ready for cropping and it will rain till Thanksgiving.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Gosh it is along time since I wrote a newsreport. We are getting a pile of rain here and cold well makes you wonder where did that nice weather go.Wednesday we had the dinner for grads and there parents thats us and oh ya our vicster. nice time and we got to see them get emotional of growing ang leaving there buds.Thursaday was the day we sold a beef cut and wrapped to a 3 people it looked relly good I love beef. Calves are doing reall good and cows are milking awesome. bruce has building a deck it is looking great it adds on to the back deck that is there. Tan Tan is coming for the weekend she has a friend who needs her
Sunday, June 04, 2006
It has been a few days since I have posted much has gone on. We got silo 2 ready for silage we greased oiled it raised it you know stuff we are usually doing day we are going to put in silage, to be a head of the game awesome. we also got 3 drycows and 4 heifers down to the drycow pasture a major accomplishment a day when Bruce was to take Peter to the airport and I going over to watch the girls finally game of rugby,which they won 24 to 0 a game I hate , Carrie went to her middle school social and in all this after doing evening chores we went out and picked rocks of the long piece and then arrived home to get to bed and find a dead cow grr no reason not sick or anything who can explain it. Then to bed we all go and Carrie comes in and says some one downstairs of we go and Jesse and Amanda came home for a visit what a nice surprise. Now we are starting to get a little rain like buckets and buckets there will be no field work for a few days . Oh yes Jesse brought home a birthday gift for his dad a goat ,Billy is his name and he is a great addition to our animal kingdom at rothiemay. Well Stacy and Kara are still in hospital but keep your fingers crossed could be going home tomorrow if all goes aok. Well Carrie is of to camp for 3 days and Bruce has to drive there luggage imagine they will have fun for 3 days and NO ENGLISH ALLOWED those kids will be tired because having to think before they speak well talk again.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Well it has been a week of different stuff. We planted our triple stuff ( peas barley and timoity ) WE planted 40 acres of corn for Sharps and we had a pretty good herd health. There was a cow that been fresh a very long time and shes in calf . Our little jersey calf is so tiny and is doing awesome. Ran in to some problems with Stacy's baby it keeps quitting breathing so doing some tests and going fr there. Still rocks to pick grr,
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Hello all quess what Stacy and Gilbert had a baby girl yesterday it was 6 lbs 1 and a quarter ozs it is to be called kara bliss very cute looks like stacy lets pray for red hair. No new baby calves but abby had 5 puppies oh boys and it is a constant can we keep one ya right. Grandpa is in the hospital and quess what he is on the same floor as Stacy pretty neat . Bruce planted Mac Donalds corn today only Sharpws corn left 80 acres. he is right now harrowing a field he wants to plant tomorrrow , he is goimg to plant peas timoity and barley this makes a terrific feed you cut it in the milk stage around 45 days the cows milk awesome on it Well gotta go have a good one .
Thursday, May 25, 2006

It seems I owe some one an apology for saying I was going to be a nannie well WRONG I am a nannie very much so right Emma Well today we had a very different day we did adlic ( sampling of milk for smc ) Also we had a beef animal that was cut and wrapped and solded to all the way to St Stephen alot of meat The kids picked rocks carrie went to the play,Bruce harrowed and Meliza and I did the barn chores. Tan Tan and crew are coming for the weekend so will have all here Sat, nite. Tomorrow will try and get the field finished . Go girls Hey Sam girls rule
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hello it has been a lonfg 2 days we have accomplished some small stuff. First of we got the guys out to the knoll pasture that took us the afternoon to fence no flies awesome was not to hot another bonus. Then we moved a little guy out of my calf barn down to Bruces barn. Then Sam had to clean up that pen to move up our overstock thats in the horse pens just1 ,3 to go. Then today we moved 6 out of Bruces lower barn to out back beef barn. Trying to make our barn chores alittle easier. Then today we tried to pack corn and it was to wet so of to another project more fencing going to move beefer farther away from the barn. Then tonite of we go to Carries play of the little mermaid not bad Kids worked real hard and it showed it was terrific. Oh yeah NEWSFLASH I am going to be a nannie any day if she does not go in the week they are going to make it happen poor Stace all this waiting . Tan Tan and the kids are coming to visit this weekend to see Peter awesome. Better go to bed got to do adlic in the morning explain it all tomorrow nite.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Hi everyone I am a idiot I just wrote a whole blog and deleted it. grr Well here I go again Today was a slow day rain does that to you. We had a painter here for the day painted the rec room and the kitchen. looks great. Bruce picked up his brother at the airport who is home for a visit from vancouver. The kids had a slack day tired went to triple bill at the drivein they rolled in about 4. Tired puppies.The cows are still milking up a storm Calves are looking a bit better. hate this weather makes us and the animals in a bad mood.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Another day fixed water tub out back again it should be ok now . gosh those beefers can reck stuff. We are amazed at how things are moving along. The cows are awesome
they have really pulled there weight this year milking like crazy never letting us down. The foot trimmer was in on Wednesday did 25 cows put wraps on 6or so not bad it is amazing how one minute they are limping so bad and Peter trims them up and in a day or two they walk like a trooper. Got a new bull I think he is Limo he seems to be some quiet. 2 calves were under the weather today but they are feeling better already. With a 11 calves to feed how can you expect 1 or 2 get sick. Stacy stilll is waiting to have baby every time she calls I say is it now. Gotta Go see ya
they have really pulled there weight this year milking like crazy never letting us down. The foot trimmer was in on Wednesday did 25 cows put wraps on 6or so not bad it is amazing how one minute they are limping so bad and Peter trims them up and in a day or two they walk like a trooper. Got a new bull I think he is Limo he seems to be some quiet. 2 calves were under the weather today but they are feeling better already. With a 11 calves to feed how can you expect 1 or 2 get sick. Stacy stilll is waiting to have baby every time she calls I say is it now. Gotta Go see ya
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Getting spring field work done, today we worked on the lawn tractor an gator getting them all up to date. Yesterday dad harrowed an seeded some. The cows are out an loving the fields. Vicky has been mowing the lawn. Cant do to much today because everything is so wet from the rain.We needed the rain but its still dry.Stacy still hasnt had the baby. Things are hectic around here.. Until next time.. Oh an by the way Tanyas pregrant with Triplets TJ.. Just kidding. Dad is working very hard this time of season is very stressful.Cant wait for it to be over. haha... Anyways good bye till anothe beautiful day.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Good day we finally got some rain,it put a slow down to our field work, the kids had to stop their rock picking and Bruce stopped his planting . As far as the planting goes we are ahead of the game awesome. My cow is back on track as of yesterday she would not eat the vet said to give her ketmalt {teases them to want to eat} now today she has eaten 7 kgs and milked 30 lbs , looks good I like when a plan works. A day to catch up on stuff it never ends. We are taking a year of school farm tours , we will miss it the young kids are so precious and they make our job sound so important. Well gotta go Take care
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy mothers day to all you mothers. What a beautiful day . Grandma and Grandpa came over for lunch, we had dinner then they played a game of zimm zamm with Carrie . A blast. Bruce spread a little fertilzer tonite,loves to do it since he got his gps tracking device. It cuts down on the amount of over lapping of sprays fertilzers etc. Also measures out the size of fields many uses to this program. Talked to all kids today they are doing fine Next year Stacy will be a new Mom.
Friday, May 12, 2006
quess what we got some fertilizer out today. We are trucking right along with spring work this is terrific. The kids picked rocks this evening a sign that summer is coming. We also got the moon lights out, Had to have Dr. Hicks down to see 403 her temp was not getting any better and very low in spirits and dropped in milk, he gave her some different drugs, pumped her stomach, all that good stuff and quess what she is looking better, awesome. The kids think it is summer too, the drive in is open and kids think they should go gosh it is cold out wear your snowsuit kids. well got to close of I love days like this and kids are not going to the drive in I need sleep
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Well today we finally got some rain gosh goodness it was needed. The fields are still dry. They picked rocks today and harrowed the field (make the rocks produce) Also who lands in with 5 baby beef calves but dusty cute but grr grr now I have 7 on the bottle.Bruce finished emptying the shit pit today got down to 3 inches amazing we will spread of and on till December. Got a sick cow today 105.3 temp she is looking better tonight .pnemonia I think Well gotta go see ya all
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
well today is the day after Willie Nelson concert it was a awesome show. Of course there was ever one over 40 there we laughed when the senior citzen bus pulled ages us, But the place was solded out he is not bad for 73. Today I went with Stacy to her Drs. appt. it is getting handy we will be soon up one grandchild. Makes me think how different each of our kids are tan tan who is smart a real worker well thats not fair all our kids are. She worked and looked after Emma and still got eduacated. Stacy my real softy loves kids kids love her works the books real good , she is married and now helping hubby run a chicken farm going to school going to have a baby any day hectic life style but doing a heck of a job. Next is my boy Jesse he is also a heck of a worker and he is working on a farm in truro and taking courses on line, next year he goes back to college a year left then he will see what he will do. Next is my almost the baby,she was the baby for 6 years and then along comes carrie. Vic is in her grade 12 yr she plans to go to UNB next year taking arts. She works part time at the chicken barn plus at home. I would be lost with out her she is my right arm helping me with whatever. Now our baby carrie she is grade 6 and she is learning to be a help. I quess it is a learned behavior and it all takes time. Well I must close of enough about my kids and yes there is times when I do not say enough good about them , they are the best and I would not change any thing about them they are their own individuals and they are all keepers see ya
Sunday, May 07, 2006
It has been a long time since I wrote a short note. We have been very busy . Planting is going great we did put in 18 acres of barley and we rolled it yesterday. It is amazing how dry it is out we could be in trouble if we do not get rain. Yesterday Stacy's inlaws had a baby shower for her. it was fun. It was up on top of a mountain the drive up was scary but the drive down was worse. Beautiful view & great place for kids, no road to go to. lol Stacy is getting close another couple of weeks and then watch out. Tan Tan and her girls arrived last night for the shower and brought 6 kittens I am sure Bruce and Carrie have them all named. It is fun having them home (grandkids) Carrie and Emma went fishing in our brook they had a blast. Wet Wet Wet! Talked to Jesse today and he is going to walk in the MS walk today for the church group. Good lad, also going to bike in the ms tour with his dad and sister tan tan and their aunt Shelia It is wierd how this disease has affected our whole family. Life goes on.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
not much went on today just work. Spring work is getting done.The kids are all playing rugby. Before long pool will be opened up. Today was a hot day 20 degrees. The new heat feels good. Can not wait to getcows out. Noticed Everett got his heifers out. The kids do not want to study do chores or anything.. The day has been good but quiet. Hey Jesse nice haircut Tan tan did you get a treadmil I will beat you around the track. THe goat Emma mowing your lawn still. My little Tan Tan is coming to visit and taking in new kitten blood we are getting out of milking cows and are going tobecome a kitten mill 6new kitties. The year I am taking off from school tours and I would of have alot of kittens and kids loves kittens and parents usually take 1or 2 home darn
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Today was a sad day, when we bought this farm it consisted of all Guernseys and we had fun we showed the cattle and they did us well then about 8 or so years we picked up some health issues with the cows it almost wiped out the whole herd well over time it did so no more unmaid, ultra shona and I could go on. Now we milk 55 head of holsteins and they are numbered. On our farm we have 3 remaining guersney 2 being culled and 1 we were going to breed back guernsey well she got injured and we had to put her down so Rothiemay Guernsey Farm no more ,this all happened today. Talked to Tan Tan last nite and her big news was her and the kids and emma the goat went for a walk ,told you it was better then a dog. Bruce and I are going to Willie Nelson that should be a blast.
Today was a sad day, when we bought this farm it consisted of all Guernseys and we had fun we showed the cattle and they did us well then about 8 or so years we picked up some health issues with the cows it almost wiped out the whole herd well over time it did so no more unmaid, ultra shona and I could go on. Now we milk 55 head of holsteins and they are numbered. On our farm we have 3 remaining guersney 2 being culled and 1 we were going to breed back guernsey well she got injured and we had to put her down so Rothiemay Guernsey Farm no more ,this all happened today. Talked to Tan Tan last nite and her big news was her and the kids and emma the goat went for a walk ,told you it was better then a dog. Bruce and I are going to Willie Nelson that should be a blast.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Today was the greatest day , today was our grandchilds birthday Emma turned 4. We went up to party down . Well we gave her a goat it is so cute .when Carrie lies down on the lawn the little guy runs to her and flops down and cuddles up. cute eh. we are moving on with spring work hopefully we will get stuff planted. It is calling for rain maybe it will prevent it from getting to dry. Talked to CB today maybe I should tell about my blog keep them in touch. Gotta go see ya. Now TJ she is cute I know she takes your lawn from a four beer lawn to a 2
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Well another great day Bruce spread manure 24 -7 , Sam and I did a little bit of fencing. Now the nite pasture is ready for the cows and the beef pasture went over. All my older kids are in the farming industry of some sort like Tanya said she will not see TJ till the potatoes are harvested. I know why the kids when they were younger liked to go with us to do tractor stuff, cab tractor comfy and could get one on one with your mom or dad you did not have to share precious time. Boys I miss it . Now I was talking to Tan Tan today and she is excited about Emmas birthday tomorrow cannot wait . no she is not spoiled shes special she is priceless It is what everyparent cannot wait for GRANDCHILDREN . She looks after her little sister she loves her mommy and daddy and she loves to go to nannie and pappas Happy Birthday EMMA
Well another great day Bruce spread manure 24 -7 , Sam and I did a little bit of fencing. Now the nite pasture is ready for the cows and the beef pasture went over. All my older kids are in the farming industry of some sort like Tanya said she will not see TJ till the potatoes are harvested. I know why the kids when they were younger liked to go with us to do tractor stuff, cab tractor comfy and could get one on one with your mom or dad you did not have to share precious time. Boys I miss it . Now I was talking to Tan Tan today and she is excited about Emmas birthday tomorrow cannot wait . no she is not spoiled shes special she is priceless It is what everyparent cannot wait for GRANDCHILDREN . She looks after her little sister she loves her mommy and daddy and she loves to go to nannie and pappas Happy Birthday EMMA
Friday, April 28, 2006
Hi people it is been a couple of days, well last night went with Vic and Sam to get groceries what use to be a chore is now every 2 to 3 weeks and not as expensive thats what happens when kids leave home and grow up, it is so sad. I miss the confusion the meal time just them being here oh well they grow up doing well having babies. Today was Bruces first day of spring work he spread manure as Tanya questioned when she was younger do you have to do that the make fun of us it smells. Tanya it still smells.Had a new baby yesterday of course mommy had to have it as a surprise so it was born in the manure. Carrie has gone bowling tonite her and her church group. Jesse called today it seems he got stuck with his tractor and manure spreader had to pull it out. See everyone as good and bad days.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Hi ya all. Today Bruce has the flu and is so sick. Like most farmers only allowed to get sick once or twice a life time, he has used his limit he will not get sick again in this life time.LOL. We are now waiting for spring to take off,it is just sneaking up on us and there is so much to do and so little time to do it.This weekend is Emmas birthday and we are going up to party it is the big four our little bear is growing up. We can not wait, fun fun fun. Well gotta go have a good one .
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
well hello today was a better day. Today we did herd health ,also did a bse test on a cow. Vicky Sam helped do chores up tonite, then went to Sussex to do girly stuff. Our sheep is alot better, they say not to let it out because those dogs will be back. Talked to jesse today he was fencing today there young stuff goes out next week. The weather is a little ahead in NS warmer grass is growing faster greener. We will be starting soon big time and then we willl becruising.I am hoping to add another on the front of our house it will be easier to get up on the deck, what you think kids will it be tomuch. Well gotta go. Have a good one.
Monday, April 24, 2006
What a day, tell me why people have dogs that roam free. Last nite we put our pet sheep out on his chain ,the first time this spring he was loving it , well 2 dogs fr around here proceeded to mauling him he had fur every where he was down ,the vet was to be here for another health reason so he looked after him. Well called RCMP and it is not there dept. has to be human related. So end of story we have no rights as land owners. The sheep is ok and I am very ticked off. Moving on Carrie started Rubgy tonite Everett was discing tonite. Well in closing have agood one
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Hi it has been a busy couple of days yesterday was a day i want to forget, Bruce had a dual wheel fall on his head made him very cranky . We had another cow calve only a couple more in the next week thats for April. Talked to Jesse today, thats our young lad he works on a farm in Truro. Talked to Tanya today she is our oldest she lives in Glassville with a dear hubby and 2 kids, Emma the olest turns 4 on the 29 we will go up and help celebrate. Stacy our second oldest is expecting ear;y june ,she and her hubby live in kars and operate a chicken farm
Today we started getting tractors ready for field work. I guess we play at spreading manure first. It was so nice today spring has sprung. well got go See Ya
Today we started getting tractors ready for field work. I guess we play at spreading manure first. It was so nice today spring has sprung. well got go See Ya
Friday, April 21, 2006
It has been a couple of days since I have been here, yesterday was a day of many happenings ,2 cows calved one a beefer and one a holstein bull.The grade 12 class raised money by having a concert with 39 toes preforming, it is celtic mu sic . Also some students preformed it was an enjoyable evening {our vicky was one ot them} Next on the agenda was Vicky had some friends in a mere 20+ ,a good time by all. They left about one in the morning and real nice kids. Moving on rugby games in the afternoon the girls won 47 to 0 the boys tied 5 to 5 . Bruce stayed home and mixed up our manure pitt and got spreader down from winter storage. Now it is nite time and we are all so tired, so good nite to you all.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hi you all. We are waiting for a couple of cows to calve we all are hoping for a heifer. They never calve on beautiful days just rainy and miserable. Vicky our 17 yr old is in a rugby fest. This weekend there will be some teams fr ontario should be fun.I hope they do well, I hope they do not get hurt, It is amazing how tough this game is I do not understand the joy of getting tattoo with cleats, I missed out on that, Carrie cannot wait to play.
Monday, April 17, 2006
What a day, the kids had another day off and our hired girl is of on vacation. The weather is really cold we think we are getting winter did not have much before now. The cows are doing amazing well. Easter Sunday we had Grandma and Grand pa here for dinner Stacy and Gilbert were here also. Bruce and Grandma went to the pond to look for ducks.
What a day, the kids had another day off and our hired girl is of on vacation. The weather is really cold we think we are getting winter did not have much before now. The cows are doing amazing well. Easter Sunday we had Grandma and Grand pa here for dinner Stacy and Gilbert were here also. Bruce and Grandma went to the pond to look for ducks.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Rothiemay Farm
Our first posting. Spring work is starting, the weather is warm, horses are out, and pens are almost clean, Bruce made shed doors for the door that blew off this winter in the wind storm.
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