Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bat Carrie

Carrie had a bunch of her friends stay over last night and she got dressed up for school again today. This time she had more on. Here she is with her friend Mariah.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Heavy Rain Last Night

Like I said, it was supposed to rain heavily last night,and guess what? Over 4 inches and high winds. Here is one local road that washed out a bit around the culvert.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Flock Dispersal

This morning the first half of our first flock of chickens headed up the road. Sad to see them go, they worked hard  for us, and it was quite an experience. Tomorrow the other half fly the coop, then it is clean and disinfect. The new flock should fly in the door sometime during the night of November 1st (next Sunday).

Not too much else new this week, we got the last of the corn silage unloaded yesterday, and the silo started. Most of the animals are in the barn, except for a few beef, the 2 goats, and of course Willard is still wandering around out there somewhere. Raining again today, with heavy rains coming tonight. Gotta be the wettest year ever.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Done Corn

Today we finished harvesting our corn silage. We finished the wet field and moved on to the field we should have planted rice in.

But it was a nice sunny day and I enjoyed watching the cows sunning themselves by the pond.

I got all the corn, and what I missed the geese will get.

And on a final note, why was Carrie dressed like this going to school? Kinda reminded me of running into Tanya at the Three Mile when she was seventeen...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Even Colder...

It definitely wasn't warm on the open tractor hauling in corn. Jesse ended up with ski mask and winter clothes. On the other hand, the sun kept my tractor quite toasty, you gotta love a tractor cab. The wet fields turned out dryer than I had thought, so we have had 2 more good days of chopping corn, and for the most part it is an excellent crop. Except where it isn't.

On another note, I am kinds wondering what this fellow would look like on a farm in Glassville? We could call him "Emma Steer"

Friday, October 16, 2009

Cold Day doing Corn

Fall was definitely in the air when we did corn silage yesterday. Maybe even a hint of winter!
But we managed to get another field in, now there are only the wet fields left.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Corn Silage

Today we started our corn silage harvest. It shall be a challenge as most of the fields are wet. But we started with a dry one, and I was very impressed with the crop, as I had thought it would have been worse than it was. We finished the first field, and that filled the top of one of the silos. It is always a good feeling when you take the last 2 rows of a field.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Yesterday we had the pleasure of having a lot of family here for Thanksgiving dinner. We are thankful for that...

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Good Old Ivan...

The kids have always thought our driveway is way too long, so on a day like today, when it was raining really hard, Carrie & Melissa were quite pleased when he decided to bring them right to the door.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Jesse got ANOTHER new Truck

Here is Jesse's new truck. It's a beauty. Chevy Silverado. Good luck with this one Jesse. David, it is safe to come back now, but I betcha you might have to sit in the passenger seat!

Friday, October 02, 2009

4 Exchanges

On Wednesday, Melissa & Carrie played soccer against the school from Salisbury. And it just happened that the other exchange from Melissa's school in St. Marc-des-Carrieres was on the other team. How cool is that!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

2 years ago in Holland

I've been thinking about our trip to Holland 2 years ago and our stay with our good friends, Fia & Jaap. Along with all the memories of all the places we visited, I'll remember our morning stops for coffee and applecake, the afternoon stops for beer, and the wonderful meals we had in different towns and at home with Fia cooking.

And here we are in Bathmen, on our last night, exactly 2 years ago, before our return home.