Eleven years ago, Tanya, Stacy, & Jesse bought a used pool with a new liner. The deal was that if they bought the pool, I would set it up and build a deck. Our neighbor that sold us the pool told us we would get 10 years out of the liner. We did, but not 11, so this year we had to change it. Carrie told us to!

A big job. The pool had to be all straightened out and releveled. Then new styrafoam put down.

And to get liner in straight! We had 2 arrows to guide us. Pointed up. I hope we have the water on the right side. We are filling with our spring overflow.And this year it is sure overflowing.

All this work called for a beer. Or 5. I kinda liked the new Moosehead Light Lime. Jesse stuck with his rice beer.

Half of the management team drank coolers. The other half is cut off.

Carrie couldn't wait to enjoy! Now tomorrow we get to finish off the top edge.