As we have been doing, for more years than I can remember, we did again this year...kindergarten trips to the farm.

This was our first group, and Willard was very interested. It was really quite comical, as he mingled with the parents around the group of children.

It is always nice to do a tour on a sunny day, but we have one teacher that always picks a rainy day.

Sarah always saves a couple of calves to feed, and the kids love this.

The kids go nuts looking at the calves.

And the calves go nuts looking at the kids.

Jordan brought us a great sow this year, with 2 piglets, now if he would only take them back!..He says next week...

Abby loves the kids, and the kids love Abby.

This oddity attracted a lot of attention, but most were afraid to get too close.

Then we head down to the lower barn.

Santa the sheep is wondering what all the noise is. Yes, the kids make noise.

Buddy the rabbit is a hit, he is so soft, this is Lisa holding him, she was here for 1 tour. Jesse kept getting scratched when he picked him up. Lisa didn't.

The hay mow always impresses the kids.

Sarah, making like a cow, likely explaining the computer feeders.

The Money pit. Any questions?

The kids awaiting the milk truck. But I see another question. It is Dameon, Christina's son, not Jesse's...Christina is in her 2cd year of helping us with the school tours, and we really appreciate all her help. Free. Love it.

Here is Andy(milk truck driver) doing the happy dance. Need I explain the happy dance?

The kids love looking at their reflections in the side of the milk truck.

Then we milk a cow.

Jesse is happy it is only 1 cow.

The milking parlour is full.

After the milking, we go up for treats and a horse back ride.

The kids love it.

The Highlanders are down to watch.

On wet days we stay in the calf barn, while Jesse gets wet in the yard. And sometimes we get thank you's, which makes it feel good.