Last Friday I drove up to Quebec for the weekend. After a visit with my good friend Barry in the afternoon, I met Jim & David and we hit a few bars in downtown Montreal. Saturday got us to Mike's, and a good time was had. A good Quebec snowmobile party. Not many pictures, but they will come. This is the fire we had to warm our beers, so we could drink them when they froze.

Thanks to Jim, I have some pictures. Here is Jim and I enjoying a beer. You can't see his because I think he dropped it. He did that a few times. Dunno why.

Here I am with the sled I liked the best. Only the sober guys wore helmets. Thanks Mike for letting me use it.

We enjoyed a great BBQ, and a few beer. This was Jim's table.

I think this is where everyone else put there empties.

The morning after, before I headed home. We all enjoyed my eggs, and Jim's bacon (the whole pound) and toast, cooked by Mike, and served by Mike. No plates. Great weekend!

And seeing as we have the picture, would you believe this fellow is now the CEO of a corporation. Rothiemay Farms Ltd. Est. Mar 17, 2009 (Saint Patricks Day)