Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Well it has been a week of different stuff. We planted our triple stuff ( peas barley and timoity ) WE planted 40 acres of corn for Sharps and we had a pretty good herd health. There was a cow that been fresh a very long time and shes in calf . Our little jersey calf is so tiny and is doing awesome. Ran in to some problems with Stacy's baby it keeps quitting breathing so doing some tests and going fr there. Still rocks to pick grr,
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Hello all quess what Stacy and Gilbert had a baby girl yesterday it was 6 lbs 1 and a quarter ozs it is to be called kara bliss very cute looks like stacy lets pray for red hair. No new baby calves but abby had 5 puppies oh boys and it is a constant can we keep one ya right. Grandpa is in the hospital and quess what he is on the same floor as Stacy pretty neat . Bruce planted Mac Donalds corn today only Sharpws corn left 80 acres. he is right now harrowing a field he wants to plant tomorrrow , he is goimg to plant peas timoity and barley this makes a terrific feed you cut it in the milk stage around 45 days the cows milk awesome on it Well gotta go have a good one .
Thursday, May 25, 2006

It seems I owe some one an apology for saying I was going to be a nannie well WRONG I am a nannie very much so right Emma Well today we had a very different day we did adlic ( sampling of milk for smc ) Also we had a beef animal that was cut and wrapped and solded to all the way to St Stephen alot of meat The kids picked rocks carrie went to the play,Bruce harrowed and Meliza and I did the barn chores. Tan Tan and crew are coming for the weekend so will have all here Sat, nite. Tomorrow will try and get the field finished . Go girls Hey Sam girls rule
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hello it has been a lonfg 2 days we have accomplished some small stuff. First of we got the guys out to the knoll pasture that took us the afternoon to fence no flies awesome was not to hot another bonus. Then we moved a little guy out of my calf barn down to Bruces barn. Then Sam had to clean up that pen to move up our overstock thats in the horse pens just1 ,3 to go. Then today we moved 6 out of Bruces lower barn to out back beef barn. Trying to make our barn chores alittle easier. Then today we tried to pack corn and it was to wet so of to another project more fencing going to move beefer farther away from the barn. Then tonite of we go to Carries play of the little mermaid not bad Kids worked real hard and it showed it was terrific. Oh yeah NEWSFLASH I am going to be a nannie any day if she does not go in the week they are going to make it happen poor Stace all this waiting . Tan Tan and the kids are coming to visit this weekend to see Peter awesome. Better go to bed got to do adlic in the morning explain it all tomorrow nite.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Hi everyone I am a idiot I just wrote a whole blog and deleted it. grr Well here I go again Today was a slow day rain does that to you. We had a painter here for the day painted the rec room and the kitchen. looks great. Bruce picked up his brother at the airport who is home for a visit from vancouver. The kids had a slack day tired went to triple bill at the drivein they rolled in about 4. Tired puppies.The cows are still milking up a storm Calves are looking a bit better. hate this weather makes us and the animals in a bad mood.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Another day fixed water tub out back again it should be ok now . gosh those beefers can reck stuff. We are amazed at how things are moving along. The cows are awesome
they have really pulled there weight this year milking like crazy never letting us down. The foot trimmer was in on Wednesday did 25 cows put wraps on 6or so not bad it is amazing how one minute they are limping so bad and Peter trims them up and in a day or two they walk like a trooper. Got a new bull I think he is Limo he seems to be some quiet. 2 calves were under the weather today but they are feeling better already. With a 11 calves to feed how can you expect 1 or 2 get sick. Stacy stilll is waiting to have baby every time she calls I say is it now. Gotta Go see ya
they have really pulled there weight this year milking like crazy never letting us down. The foot trimmer was in on Wednesday did 25 cows put wraps on 6or so not bad it is amazing how one minute they are limping so bad and Peter trims them up and in a day or two they walk like a trooper. Got a new bull I think he is Limo he seems to be some quiet. 2 calves were under the weather today but they are feeling better already. With a 11 calves to feed how can you expect 1 or 2 get sick. Stacy stilll is waiting to have baby every time she calls I say is it now. Gotta Go see ya
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Getting spring field work done, today we worked on the lawn tractor an gator getting them all up to date. Yesterday dad harrowed an seeded some. The cows are out an loving the fields. Vicky has been mowing the lawn. Cant do to much today because everything is so wet from the rain.We needed the rain but its still dry.Stacy still hasnt had the baby. Things are hectic around here.. Until next time.. Oh an by the way Tanyas pregrant with Triplets TJ.. Just kidding. Dad is working very hard this time of season is very stressful.Cant wait for it to be over. haha... Anyways good bye till anothe beautiful day.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Good day we finally got some rain,it put a slow down to our field work, the kids had to stop their rock picking and Bruce stopped his planting . As far as the planting goes we are ahead of the game awesome. My cow is back on track as of yesterday she would not eat the vet said to give her ketmalt {teases them to want to eat} now today she has eaten 7 kgs and milked 30 lbs , looks good I like when a plan works. A day to catch up on stuff it never ends. We are taking a year of school farm tours , we will miss it the young kids are so precious and they make our job sound so important. Well gotta go Take care
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Happy mothers day to all you mothers. What a beautiful day . Grandma and Grandpa came over for lunch, we had dinner then they played a game of zimm zamm with Carrie . A blast. Bruce spread a little fertilzer tonite,loves to do it since he got his gps tracking device. It cuts down on the amount of over lapping of sprays fertilzers etc. Also measures out the size of fields many uses to this program. Talked to all kids today they are doing fine Next year Stacy will be a new Mom.
Friday, May 12, 2006
quess what we got some fertilizer out today. We are trucking right along with spring work this is terrific. The kids picked rocks this evening a sign that summer is coming. We also got the moon lights out, Had to have Dr. Hicks down to see 403 her temp was not getting any better and very low in spirits and dropped in milk, he gave her some different drugs, pumped her stomach, all that good stuff and quess what she is looking better, awesome. The kids think it is summer too, the drive in is open and kids think they should go gosh it is cold out wear your snowsuit kids. well got to close of I love days like this and kids are not going to the drive in I need sleep
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Well today we finally got some rain gosh goodness it was needed. The fields are still dry. They picked rocks today and harrowed the field (make the rocks produce) Also who lands in with 5 baby beef calves but dusty cute but grr grr now I have 7 on the bottle.Bruce finished emptying the shit pit today got down to 3 inches amazing we will spread of and on till December. Got a sick cow today 105.3 temp she is looking better tonight .pnemonia I think Well gotta go see ya all
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
well today is the day after Willie Nelson concert it was a awesome show. Of course there was ever one over 40 there we laughed when the senior citzen bus pulled ages us, But the place was solded out he is not bad for 73. Today I went with Stacy to her Drs. appt. it is getting handy we will be soon up one grandchild. Makes me think how different each of our kids are tan tan who is smart a real worker well thats not fair all our kids are. She worked and looked after Emma and still got eduacated. Stacy my real softy loves kids kids love her works the books real good , she is married and now helping hubby run a chicken farm going to school going to have a baby any day hectic life style but doing a heck of a job. Next is my boy Jesse he is also a heck of a worker and he is working on a farm in truro and taking courses on line, next year he goes back to college a year left then he will see what he will do. Next is my almost the baby,she was the baby for 6 years and then along comes carrie. Vic is in her grade 12 yr she plans to go to UNB next year taking arts. She works part time at the chicken barn plus at home. I would be lost with out her she is my right arm helping me with whatever. Now our baby carrie she is grade 6 and she is learning to be a help. I quess it is a learned behavior and it all takes time. Well I must close of enough about my kids and yes there is times when I do not say enough good about them , they are the best and I would not change any thing about them they are their own individuals and they are all keepers see ya
Sunday, May 07, 2006
It has been a long time since I wrote a short note. We have been very busy . Planting is going great we did put in 18 acres of barley and we rolled it yesterday. It is amazing how dry it is out we could be in trouble if we do not get rain. Yesterday Stacy's inlaws had a baby shower for her. it was fun. It was up on top of a mountain the drive up was scary but the drive down was worse. Beautiful view & great place for kids, no road to go to. lol Stacy is getting close another couple of weeks and then watch out. Tan Tan and her girls arrived last night for the shower and brought 6 kittens I am sure Bruce and Carrie have them all named. It is fun having them home (grandkids) Carrie and Emma went fishing in our brook they had a blast. Wet Wet Wet! Talked to Jesse today and he is going to walk in the MS walk today for the church group. Good lad, also going to bike in the ms tour with his dad and sister tan tan and their aunt Shelia It is wierd how this disease has affected our whole family. Life goes on.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
not much went on today just work. Spring work is getting done.The kids are all playing rugby. Before long pool will be opened up. Today was a hot day 20 degrees. The new heat feels good. Can not wait to getcows out. Noticed Everett got his heifers out. The kids do not want to study do chores or anything.. The day has been good but quiet. Hey Jesse nice haircut Tan tan did you get a treadmil I will beat you around the track. THe goat Emma mowing your lawn still. My little Tan Tan is coming to visit and taking in new kitten blood we are getting out of milking cows and are going tobecome a kitten mill 6new kitties. The year I am taking off from school tours and I would of have alot of kittens and kids loves kittens and parents usually take 1or 2 home darn
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Today was a sad day, when we bought this farm it consisted of all Guernseys and we had fun we showed the cattle and they did us well then about 8 or so years we picked up some health issues with the cows it almost wiped out the whole herd well over time it did so no more unmaid, ultra shona and I could go on. Now we milk 55 head of holsteins and they are numbered. On our farm we have 3 remaining guersney 2 being culled and 1 we were going to breed back guernsey well she got injured and we had to put her down so Rothiemay Guernsey Farm no more ,this all happened today. Talked to Tan Tan last nite and her big news was her and the kids and emma the goat went for a walk ,told you it was better then a dog. Bruce and I are going to Willie Nelson that should be a blast.
Today was a sad day, when we bought this farm it consisted of all Guernseys and we had fun we showed the cattle and they did us well then about 8 or so years we picked up some health issues with the cows it almost wiped out the whole herd well over time it did so no more unmaid, ultra shona and I could go on. Now we milk 55 head of holsteins and they are numbered. On our farm we have 3 remaining guersney 2 being culled and 1 we were going to breed back guernsey well she got injured and we had to put her down so Rothiemay Guernsey Farm no more ,this all happened today. Talked to Tan Tan last nite and her big news was her and the kids and emma the goat went for a walk ,told you it was better then a dog. Bruce and I are going to Willie Nelson that should be a blast.
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